Sunday, 28 April 2013

Vancouver Sun Promotes GMO Agenda

As more and more people wake up to the harmful effects of a diet rich with genetically modified organisms, big agri-juggernauts like Monsanto are intensifying their efforts to monopolize the seed supply chain and ensure their genetically manipulated produce ends up on everyone’s dinner plate. We are seeing numerous studies surface that reveal that GMO’s pose a considerable risk to consumers, farmers, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment.  Some news outlets, such as Russia Today and Infowars, repeatedly post articles that discuss both the continuous poisoning of our food supply and safeguarding of the biotech industry by government and corporate interests.

Organizations such as CropLife Canada, a trade association funded by the biotech conglomerates Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the like, constantly produce articles and reports assuring the people that GMO is safe.  Their hubristic rhetoric is easy to identify.  Lorne Hepworth, President of CropLife Canada, tried to convince Vancouver Sun readers that GMO is keeping Canada’s agricultural industry strong and food costs low.  Of course, Hepworth asserts that these “innovations” are actually good for the environment, enhance productivity and pose no threat to human or ecological health.  He goes on to say that those opposed to genetically engineered food “use the same, false and fear-based messages to try to convince Canadians that these technologies are somehow bad.”

In the last decade, many prestigious labs and scientific journals in Europe have released studies showing that diets containing genetically engineered corn or soya cause significant health problems in laboratory mice and rats. Doing a simple google search on the subject brings up hundreds of publications, reports and research papers on just how dangerous tampering with the genetic code of our food supply really is. 

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