Publicly traded company Canadian Natural Resources Limited is responsible for a 1 million litre oil leak in the Alberta wildlands. In traditional fashion, the oil juggernaut downplays the severity of the crisis and places responsibility on a technical complication.
Read the full story here:
Thursday, 1 August 2013
Friday, 24 May 2013
Defend the Coast; The Dogwood Initiative
As corporations continue to extract resources out of the earth at an ever increasing pace, we see an equally alarming trend of disregarding environmental risk in the name of profit.
At LibertyCoast we believe in action and personal effort. We believe that the time has long come for us to hit the trenches and begin the process of claiming back the earth for its peoples and inhabitants of all type and form.
The team at the Coast was excited when we found The Dogwood Initiative and their website. These guys are making it too easy to fight for our precious ecosystems here in the ridiculous bounty of British Columbia. We highly suggest that you check it out, sign the petition and help spread the word. Letting these tankers sully our pristine waters would be one of the greatest tragedies in the natural history of this continent.
Expect to see LibertyCoast bringing more information about the Dogwood Initiative to you. We have a lot on the agenda right now with the March on Monsanto tomorrow, Saturday May 25th, but we will be contacting them and doing some interviews and attending rallies and events in the near future.
Monsanto Continues to Destroy the Coast
The March Against Monsanto, happening tomorrow worldwide, could not have come at a more fitting time. British Columbia has been under siege from biotech juggernaut Monsanto Corporation for quite some time - the manufacturing of its patented glyphosate-resistant canola seed in the award winning production facility in Cranbrook, BC has been steady for years.
Despite the biotech industry's efforts to dampen the public's fears of genetically engineered crops, countless studies have surfaced over the years that validate consumer concerns over the health risks associated with eating GE food. What's more, the global farming industry has been ravaged and polluted by the conglomerate's monopoly over the seed maket. Take into consideration the thousands of farmers in India who have committed suicide over the past decade due to Monsanto's false promises of quality crops and increased yields. Now, farmer's in British Columbia - a province that cares deeply about organic food production - must decide whether we should continue to let GM products infiltrate our beautiful landscapes or whether we will stand up to this diabolical corporation and shout "enough!!".
Just the other day, the waterfront parkway in White Rock, BC made headlines when Green Party candidate Don Pitcairn noticed that the lawns surrounding the railroad tracks were nuked by Monsanto's top-selling herbicide, Roundup. This is the same herbicide that crops are being genetically engineered to withstand - are we foolish enough to believe that crops with manipulated DNA that are laced with poison (Roundup) will have no effect on our health and the food supply of future generations? It's time we address Monsanto's operations in British Columbia head-on. With cross-contamination of non-GMO and GMO crops already evidenced, and new GMO products and corporations sprouting up everywhere, time is running out before aour delicate ecosystems are maimed and destroyed by the hubris of big agra's corporate elite.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Salmon Farms: Government Chooses Greed Over Truth
Government is often faced with choices. Choices that determine the future of our lives, our children lives and, at times, the future of an entire ecosystem. We have elected these "representatives" so you would think they might choose the path that benefits us, the people. It would be at this time that someone might inform you that we live in a corporatocracy. Greed is the driving force behind our "officials'" decisions. These spineless men and women lack any sort of moral compass or courage. They won't stand up to their corporate masters. The game is rigged now and they are just PR props convincing us to play along and get caught in the false left-right paradigm.
I am ranting because I am beyond tired of the lies and corruption! Those words don't even hold any weight anymore. They ring like liberty bells in empty chambers where there is no one listening. Everyone is in the other room listening to pop music, sports and news casters and political bobble heads. My generation has been lied to since birth. As I have grown up and become a man that lying has only intensified. The lies have gotten bigger, bolder and more ingrained into the mass psyche.
Salmon Confidential is a documentary that lifts the veil to expose how the Canadian government is covering up the cause behind BC’s rapidly dwindling wild salmon population. A summary of the film reads: “When biologist Alexandra Morton discovers BC’s wild salmon are testing positive for dangerous European salmon viruses associated with salmon farming worldwide, a chain of events is set off by government to suppress the findings.
Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia’s most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants. The film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome government and industry roadblocks thrown in her path and works to bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon.”
Get informed and find out the real story. Our politicians are relying on your ignorance.
Common Ground wrote an amazingly informative piece on the documentary Salmon Confidential.
Tracking viruses, Morton moves from courtrooms, into British Columbia’s most remote rivers, Vancouver grocery stores and sushi restaurants. The film documents Morton’s journey as she attempts to overcome government and industry roadblocks thrown in her path and works to bring critical information to the public in time to save BC’s wild salmon.”
Get informed and find out the real story. Our politicians are relying on your ignorance.
Common Ground wrote an amazingly informative piece on the documentary Salmon Confidential.
Thursday, 2 May 2013
90% Chance Of Oil Spill
A new report from Simon Fraser University claims there is at least a 90 percent probability of an oil tanker spill if the Enbridge plan for the Northern Gateway pipeline goes ahead. Read full article here.
Sunday, 28 April 2013
Vancouver Sun Promotes GMO Agenda
As more and more people wake up to the harmful effects of a diet rich with genetically modified organisms, big agri-juggernauts like Monsanto are intensifying their efforts to monopolize the seed supply chain and ensure their genetically manipulated produce ends up on everyone’s dinner plate. We are seeing numerous studies surface that reveal that GMO’s pose a considerable risk to consumers, farmers, domesticated animals, wildlife and the environment. Some news outlets, such as Russia Today and Infowars, repeatedly post articles that discuss both the continuous poisoning of our food supply and safeguarding of the biotech industry by government and corporate interests.
Organizations such as CropLife Canada, a trade association funded by the biotech conglomerates Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the like, constantly produce articles and reports assuring the people that GMO is safe. Their hubristic rhetoric is easy to identify. Lorne Hepworth, President of CropLife Canada, tried to convince Vancouver Sun readers that GMO is keeping Canada’s agricultural industry strong and food costs low. Of course, Hepworth asserts that these “innovations” are actually good for the environment, enhance productivity and pose no threat to human or ecological health. He goes on to say that those opposed to genetically engineered food “use the same, false and fear-based messages to try to convince Canadians that these technologies are somehow bad.”
In the last decade, many prestigious labs and scientific journals in Europe have released studies showing that diets containing genetically engineered corn or soya cause significant health problems in laboratory mice and rats. Doing a simple google search on the subject brings up hundreds of publications, reports and research papers on just how dangerous tampering with the genetic code of our food supply really is.
Organizations such as CropLife Canada, a trade association funded by the biotech conglomerates Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow and the like, constantly produce articles and reports assuring the people that GMO is safe. Their hubristic rhetoric is easy to identify. Lorne Hepworth, President of CropLife Canada, tried to convince Vancouver Sun readers that GMO is keeping Canada’s agricultural industry strong and food costs low. Of course, Hepworth asserts that these “innovations” are actually good for the environment, enhance productivity and pose no threat to human or ecological health. He goes on to say that those opposed to genetically engineered food “use the same, false and fear-based messages to try to convince Canadians that these technologies are somehow bad.”
In the last decade, many prestigious labs and scientific journals in Europe have released studies showing that diets containing genetically engineered corn or soya cause significant health problems in laboratory mice and rats. Doing a simple google search on the subject brings up hundreds of publications, reports and research papers on just how dangerous tampering with the genetic code of our food supply really is.
March On Monsanto Vancouver
Monsanto is a global behemoth of a corporation hell-bent on destroying the natural bounty of our planet which took billions of years to evolve. The greedy men of a few generations could rip away the very fabric of our existence through folly, greed and hubris.
United men and women of honor and courage are standing up around the world on May 25th and Marching on Monsanto. Apathy and lethargy's voices say you cannot make a difference but it is attitudes like this that Monsanto relies on to peddle it's clever poison and continue its expansion into every food crop on earth.
Liberty Coast, currently based in Vancouver, will be attending our local march and covering the event as it unfolds. Follow the links in this article to discover where the bold men and women of action in your area will be launching their march on Monsanto.
Throughout history it has been those who were not afraid to work for change, no matter how insurmountable the odds may have appeared, who have altered the course of history and given us the liberties and freedoms that we enjoy today. We enjoy these liberties and freedoms hopelessly unaware of the sacrifice and determination of the great people who acted for our benefit.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
S7 - Liberties for Safety
Just as Harper's conservatives began to debate Bill S7, The Combating Terrorism Act, on Monday afternoon, news broke out that two people had been arrested for conspiring to derail a VIA Rail train in the Greater Toronto Area. This serves as fresh justification for the controversial, unknown bill S7 and now, having passed the House of Commons on Wednesday night, it is Canada's next step in adopting a more draconian stance when it comes to civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism.
The bill allows for "preventative detention" and "investigative hearings", techniques that waive constitutional rights in order to fight the government's definition of terror. By empowering the government to point out what is terrorism and what is not, we quickly forfeit our legally protected liberties and freedoms. Laws that grant authorities the ability to bypass our constitutional rights pose a much greater risk than the notion of true terrorism.
Haven't we learned anything after watching America's never ending "War on Terror?"
For more on Bill S7 and the the VIA Rail terror plot, check out these articles:
Poland Becomes The 8th EU Nation To Ban Monsanto Maize
Poland has become the eighth EU member state to ban the cultivation of
genetically modified (GM) crops. Seven other EU member states have
already imposed bans on the cultivation of GM crops approved by the
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) as safe: Austria, France, Germany,
Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece and Bulgaria.
The Polish Agriculture Ministry expressed concerns that GM crops may cross-pollinate with non-GM crops and Monsanto’s MON810 maize pollen may find its way into honey. The ministry also pointed to that there exists no scientific assessments confirming that GM crops are safe for the environment and people.
The Polish Agriculture Ministry expressed concerns that GM crops may cross-pollinate with non-GM crops and Monsanto’s MON810 maize pollen may find its way into honey. The ministry also pointed to that there exists no scientific assessments confirming that GM crops are safe for the environment and people.
Saturday, 20 April 2013
Update Saturday April 20th 2013
Making strategic decisions about the direction we want to take over some good food and pints. We welcome input from the community at large. The stakeholders out there who are ready for change and ready to work towards that change.
We have a strong belief that there is a void in Canada in terms of alternative press and original journalism. Too many issues that are affecting us and future generations are ignored by the traditional information outlets. The idea behind Liberty Coast is information/revolution. We're in the business of uniting.
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Analysis Finds Monsanto’s GM Corn Nutritionally Dead, Highly Toxic
Is GMO corn nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO corn? Monsanto will tell you the answer is a big ‘yes’, but the real answer is absolutely not. And the simple reality is that they are continuing to get away with their blatant misinformation. In fact, a 2012 nutritional analysis of genetically modified corn found that not only is GM corn lacking in vitamins and nutrients when compared to non-GM corn, but the genetic creation also poses numerous health risks due to extreme toxicity.
With the recent passing of the Monsanto Protection Act,
there is no question that mega corporations like Monsanto are able to
wield enough power to even surpass that of the United States government.
The new legislation provides Monsanto with a legal safeguard against
federal courts striking down any pending review of dangerous GM crops.
It is ironic to see the passing of such a bill in the face of continuous
releases of GMO dangers.
Full article by Mike Barrett @
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
Canada following U.S.' Footsteps on Drone Use

several police departments in Canada already employing drones for
surveillance, the Canadian Government has recently been looking to even
further loosen the regulations surrounding unmanned aerial vehicles (A).
Experts in the industry say that if Transport Canada is successful at
changing policy and removing the current restrictions on drone use, you
could be seeing UAV’s on reconnaissance missions in a neighborhood near
you within the next year or two. Lauded for their breadth of
applications and technological frontierism, the Canadian drone movement
has seen a groundswell of support over the last years from policing
departments as well as the Canadian Forces.
The RCMP has fully embraced
the use of drones - RCMP Staff Sgt. Dave Domoney stated for media that,
“It’s starting to catch on more and more. Eventually, I think you’ll
see [drones] in almost all the provinces” (B). Last year, the RCMP’s F
Division, who is spearheading the use of UAV’s in Canadian police
forces, posted it’s intention to procure 3 Qube drones for $270,000.
Not only are the drones absurdly expensive, but they are also
“extremely invasive” as Ontario’s information and privacy commissioner,
Ann Cavoukian warned in a report on drone use in Canada last year.
Transport Canada currently requires the commercial and governmental use
of UAVs to be disclosed in a standardized document; however, the
primary intent of this submission is safety - not privacy. Cavoukian
warns that the imminent use of drones in Canadian policing departments
for constant surveillance will require “special use restrictions and
regulatory measures” in order to avoid a complete erosion of civil
privacy. Despite her admonitions, the current direction in Canada is
towards relaxing UAV regulations instead of tightening them.
would seem much of the media and publications focused on UAV technology
flaunt their use and potential. Take for instance this TED talk by
Vijay Kumar on aerial drone collaboration (D). Much of the political
discourse on this topic is focused on potential application as well as
safety for police and defence forces. All the while, the risk of abuse
and harm get overlooked. Few news sources question the efficacy and
ethics of current military drone usage. In President Obama’s first
term, hundreds of innocent children were murdered in Pakistan and Yemen
through his drone assassination campaign. The Bureau of Investigative
Journalism estimates that in Pakistan alone, 891 civilians have been
killed by U.S. drones since 2004 (E). Nevertheless, their integration
into Western civilization has been not only steadfast but praised by
both the media and masses. Am I going to be the only person out there
terrified if a drone hones in on me from above to ensure that I am
acting lawfully?
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Liberty Coast Launches
Liberty Coast launches with the mission of informing the people of
Vancouver, British Columbia and ultimately Canada of the stories that
are truly shaping their future and the future of their children.
Founders John Doty and Patrick Harrison are passionate about alternative
media and the struggle between the entrenched powers that be and the
youthful grand awakening that is sweeping out planet as people are
waking up to the corruption and lies around them.
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