As corporations continue to extract resources out of the earth at an ever increasing pace, we see an equally alarming trend of disregarding environmental risk in the name of profit.
At LibertyCoast we believe in action and personal effort. We believe that the time has long come for us to hit the trenches and begin the process of claiming back the earth for its peoples and inhabitants of all type and form.
The team at the Coast was excited when we found The Dogwood Initiative and their website. These guys are making it too easy to fight for our precious ecosystems here in the ridiculous bounty of British Columbia. We highly suggest that you check it out, sign the petition and help spread the word. Letting these tankers sully our pristine waters would be one of the greatest tragedies in the natural history of this continent.
Expect to see LibertyCoast bringing more information about the Dogwood Initiative to you. We have a lot on the agenda right now with the March on Monsanto tomorrow, Saturday May 25th, but we will be contacting them and doing some interviews and attending rallies and events in the near future.