Monday 30 May 2011

Confirmed: Troops on Ground in Libya

Al-Jazeera news clip proves that western troops are on the ground in Libya

Despite numerous claims that no ground invasion of Libya was on the table after the UN Resolution which authorized limited strikes on Gaddafi's military assets, we now know that troops are indeed on the ground and most likely being directed by western intelligence agencies. This is all despite the fact that the UN security council resolution in March specifically excludes "a foreign occupation force of any form on any part of Libyan territory". Which means that this already illegal assault on a sovereign nation just became an even grander display of the disregard these imperialists have for the rule of law.

(The "opposition" in the video above are fluent in English and one of them appears to also have a western accent.)

Monday 2 May 2011

You Are Not American

Our forefathers wouldn't even be able to look us in the eye. We don't even deserve to call ourselves American. The country is in the depths of a prolonged recession/depression. The banksters have raided our coffers and we still owe them non-existent sums of money in interest. Nobody who signed the declaration of independence saw this as the end result. Either fight for what the founders of this country fought for, or be courageous enough to admit that you are not American, but part of a new nation. A nation who's government is not accountable to the Bill of Rights or Constitution. A nation who accepts Presidential edicts and orders. A nation that watches it's people perish as it allows it's government to launch a third, grotesquely misrepresented war without even so much as a peep. The founders of this country were bold men and women. Don't do them the disfavor of comparing today's Americans to them.

Does it mean anything? Debt ceilings becoming trivial. The crashing dollar. China surpassing us in manufacturing jobs. The two wars we have wanted to get out of for years are merely being ramped up. And in the midst of all of this OUR "representatives" decide that the most prudent course of action at this point is to launch a new war. And what was the reaction of the American people to this disgrace: nothing. We watched tv and ate our frozen dinners. Not even a peep out of this great country, the home of the brave. Maybe it should be "Land of the slaves and home of the cowards." But don`t worry. We got Bin Laden.